Category: Projects
Museum of Symbiosis
Museum of Symbiosis | 1-channel audio piece sound piece (14min20, loop) for a narrative art installation designed by Faber Futures “Museum of Symbiosis: science fiction storytelling from a symbiotic future“ Work description: Museum of Symbiosis is a science fiction narrative about a society that has harnessed biotechnology and reorganised itself to enable human flourishing in […]
Silo score
Silo score | site-specific and participative sound installation | format: a metallic silo, two contact microphones, a surface transducer and an audio workstation with voice effect chain “Sonic re-purpose of an abandoned space.“ Work description: Silo score is an installation created during the workshop “Intimacy of the crowd — Fragility of the voice” […]
Bee-ing at home
Bee-ing at home | site-specific sound installation | format: a tree with a beehive, two lavalier microphones, a recorder, two headphones and two chaises longues “A bit of quiet, please… beings at work.“ Work description: Bee-ing at home is an installation created during the workshop “Thinking with the ears” led by sound artists Sam Auinger […]
To the hum of the forest
To the hum of the forest | sound piece | format: stereo, 24min20s, made with field recordings, found sounds, tree- listening recordings, theremin, virtual synths. “Low sounds from the woods“ Work description: On the threshold of pastoral pulsations, pilgrim legends and aerial contrails of the Swiss army, a sycamore tree stands peacefully on the edge […]
Oceanomicon | Sound installation with a touch-responsive map made with fabric | format: Cyanotype on canvas 4m x 3m, computer, field recordings, two speakers and two theremins “Can a sonic sensitivity raise empathetic awareness about such a silent climate change as the ocean acidification?“ Work description: The Oceanomicon is a cartographic artefact which emerges from […]
Sands of time
Sands of time | Soundscape composition (10min01) / collaborative sound work with Gong Zixiao | format: stereo Sands of time is a collaborative sound work with Chinese sound artist Gong Zixiao during the art writing workshop led by Dr David Mollin at the London College of Communication. This collaboration had to get us involved […]
Sillage (Sound Envelope | Spark Festival 2021)
Sillage | Soundscape composition (7min28) / collaborative sound work with Lina Simon | format: stereo + text “Chimerical sonic spaces between Hong Kong and London “ Context: On October 2021, I was engaged in a sonic correspondence with artists living in Hong Kong and London. We were exchanging listening gems, viewed as a […]
There is Something in the Ocean (ongoing project)
There is Something in the Ocean (ongoing project) | Interactive sound installation “a touch responsive map to sonify the ocean acidification” There is Something in the Ocean (TiSiO) is a project of sound map installation which aims to raise awareness about the ocean acidification around the world. The intended outcome will take the form […]
Line 2°
To download the SURROUND 5.1 version of Line 2°, click here. Line 2° | sound piece (8min00) | formats: 5.1, binaural and stereo