Bee-ing at home | site-specific sound installation | format: a tree with a beehive, two lavalier microphones, a recorder, two headphones and two chaises longues
“A bit of quiet, please… beings at work.“
Work description:
Bee-ing at home is an installation created during the workshop “Thinking with the ears” led by sound artists Sam Auinger and Katrinem. Functioning as a magnifying sonic lens, the audience was invited to sit comfortably and wear headphones for a close listen to a beehive nested in a tree. By compressing the distance between the bees and the public, this minimalist audio installation aimed to stimulate people’s awareness about a complex pocket of life in their surroundings.
August 2022, Bee-ing at home was exhibited at Wüsten-Buccholz (DE), part of “Voice as Object, Object (h)as Voice”, a series of public events organised by Field Kitchen Academy and curated by Ece Pazarbasi.
To listen to an excerpt of the installation, click here.