To the hum of the forest | sound piece | format: stereo, 24min20s, made with field recordings, found sounds, tree- listening recordings, theremin, virtual synths.
“Low sounds from the woods“
Work description:
On the threshold of pastoral pulsations, pilgrim legends and aerial contrails of the Swiss army, a sycamore tree stands peacefully on the edge of the Heiligkreuz forest, nestled in the mountainous regions of the Lucerne canton. Like a living monument, it is shrouded in vegetal memories where the deep time is infused in the narrative, gradually unfolding a sensitive reading of the environment in its most intimate geological strata. In spite of its rootedness, the tree suggests a motion to its audience, a walk which would allow to feel closely tied to the liminality of the woods, as if the sensation of an ineffable reality would become almost tangible.
May 2022, To the hum of the forest is a sound piece produced during the artist’s participation in the Anthropos Ex residency program in the UNESCO biosphere of the Entlebuch (CH). Using field recordings and internal sounds of trees made with contact microphones (custom- designed by Marcus Maeder), the composer blends this forestry layer with his feeling of the site by intertwining elements of sonic diarism and light inflections of electronic instruments.
November 2022, To the hum of the forest was competing for the Prix Découvertes Pierre Schaeffer & Coup de cœur Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles de Paris at the Phonurgia Nova Awards.
December 2022, To the hum of the forest was broadcast at the festival Sonic Matter (CH), as part of the Listening Lounge, a curatorial space of electro-acoustic works.