Radio France | concerts, talk shows, on-air mixing and audio fictions | Job position: apprentice sound recordist
From 2013 to 2015 during my first degree in sound engineering, I did my apprenticeship at Radio France in the Maison de la Radio et de la Musique in Paris. It was here that I first learned how to work with sounds in various types of production, such as concerts, talk shows and audio fictions. I was able to experience the position of sound recordist in the radio industry, a very enriching experience both professionally and in terms of my personal development. By alternating my work shifts in the different radio stations, France Inter, France Musique, France Culture and FIP, I discovered the vast radiophonic landscape which defines the complex aurality of French culture.
Web links to some productions that I worked on these two years:
- Paul Morand, l’homme pressé
- HeLa pour toujours
- Tête, cou tranchée
- L’ange des Highlands
- Le pigeon à bretelles
- La dernière partie de Scrabble
- À cause de Sarah
- Sur le fil
- Quelle image vous gardez de votre père?
- Les mains avides
- La volupté du bilabong
- Label Pop: Sven et Mia Hansen-Løve pour EDEN
- Howe Gelb – Label Pop Session